Monday, October 20, 2008


In the Bible, great men became who they are because of FAITH. Every inch of their strength came from their faith from God.And they were there not just to give us something to read about but they were there to show us the examples of the power of FAITH. From Abraham to present, they all did it because of FAITH.
So you maybe asking, what's the connection of being a millionare with Faith?... Well, pratically everything!!! If you have read all my post from start (Is it Possible?) up to the latest ( Change of Enviroment) it will all come down to ONE thing and that thing is called "Faith." Everything you do right now, is related to your Faith and it doesn't even matter if you believe it or not, were are all moved by it. For example, you cling into your job wishing and hoping and even trusting your boss that you can get a raise and become rich, well thats faith, you have faith in the company and you have faith in your work, eventhough you are not sure that it will make you rich. Another example is, you are a bum, but you believe and trust your self that maybe you'll find out a way to become filthy rich, well you may or may not. It depends on how much you have faith in it and you act on it. I'm not saying that you should just sit down and relax and let faith do all the work, well thats not faith, thats lazyness. The thing is "IF YOU HAVE FAITH YOU'LL ACT IN FAITH."
The reason why most people don't get their dreams is because they live not by faith but they sadly live in FEAR. Fear feast on our very spirit, the spirit to LIVE LIFE. Most of the people live and act in Fear, If you live in fear you act in fear. Fear makes people slaves, it builds walls that stop us from doing the thing that we love or doing our VERY PURPOSE IN LIFE. Let me give you an example, You want to have a "Big Business Empire of Everything" but you can't do anything to reach it becuase you focus on things that's not related to it, like your work, earning extra meager cash to pay the bills, so busy thinking of ways to pay off the debts instead of thinking ways to start your Empire. You see,your are trapped by fear, you stop focusing on those things becuase you are afraid to live below your means, you're afraid that people will get angry if you didn't pay them on time, etc. Look at your self, fear thrives in your very existance!!!!

"Fear forms from inside, So does FAITH"
by Martin Reyes
We can't get rid out fear, it will always be around us, but the good news is we can act inspite of it, we can get our dreams and live the life we want inspite of fear, and that's called FAITH. David challenged Goliath and destroyed him, he acted inspite of fear, he acted because his fear is conquered by Faith.
Now you want to be rich, a Millionare, popular etc. , then whats stopping you? You can say that its not for you, it was never meant for me , etc. , but thats only excuses to your self because you are afraid to face the challenges and your are afraid of your dreams!!! Well are very purpose here in life is to reach our dreams. Its your purpose to live your dreams, and its your purpose to reach that Zero to Millions on 3 years and its your duty to share it. He is calling you to live in FAITH and act inspite of Fear.God is calling you to have faith in him, to reach your dreams and goals. Act now before it's to late. Live in the present and not in the future, because today you create your dreams for tomorrow. Act now.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Change of Enviroment to become successfull

Getting rich or being successfull takes a change of enviroment to another. Your enviroment made you who you are now. Look around you, everything you see and everyone around you contributes something to your personality and how you look at life. For example, if you like rock and roll you're are practically surrounded by people who loves rock and roll too. Another one if you are a party animal, pretty likely many of you're friends share the same world that you are into. Enviroment is where you learn and grow. You develop skills and form ideals and create a certain standard of life through your enviroment. Its where you live right now. Another example is being poor, poor people create their ideals and justify their way of life because thats their enviroment. They see poverty as their world. Another one is people who are always pessimistic and always thinking the bad side of everything. They form their enviroment through negativity and they see the world as full of walls. Thus they get nowhere.

The good news is we can choose our enviroment. You can choose where do you want to grow and learn. You have the freewill to change your view of the world and in life. So if you want to reach your dreams, interact with people who share the same passion, be an active member of a group that can help you think the way successfull people think. Let them fill your thoughts with ideas that will mold you into a person for your dreams. Study with them and form ideas with them. Same birds flock together, so if the poeple around you are losers, then most likely you will be a loser too. And if the people around you are businessmen then you'll be influenced to become like them. So if you want to get your dreams and you feel that your enviroment can't help you reach it, change your enviroment. Build your own world where you can learn and grow. Learning with the right people can form courage in you, and knowing what they know can really give you a boost in taking on life's challenges.

My story about change of enviroment started when I noticed that I was going nowhere with my former job. I know I have something more to give and my work place was not the place where I can learn and grow. So I looked for poeple who share the same passion, having an abundant life that can be shared to all, and socialized with them. It did give me a boost in my self esteem and gave me a drive to move on and get my dreams. I learned to form ideals and I can see my world the way I should see it, Full of Success! They helped me to take that Big step that I wanted to take a long time ago, but didn't do it because of lack of courage. Now Im writing and sharing this message to you because I want you to see your world also the way you should see it. Where are you now? Are you growing in your world? Can the people around you help you to reach your dreams? If not then I guess you should really find your own enviroment that is appropriate for your dreams.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I know I can do it but Im scared,its very risky

Lets talk fear. Fear is everywhere. Some people use it to drive them and some people is controlled by it. It gives someone the reason to act and be successfull and most of the times it is the cause why most of us don't get what we want. Fear will never leave us but the good news is fear can't affect us if we don't let it.
People with good jobs has the fear of loosing their job so they perform hard and work hard just to please their boss. They don't want to loose their job because they think that they'll have nowhere else to go. Our parents have the same fear so they incorporate the only solution they know to our minds, to study hard and do less mistakes in school so we could land in a good paying company. So the "Fear" is passed on. So don't wonder if you have the same fear as your parents , if your parents are employees, and most of all the time you share the same fear with your officemates who in the same way, was brought the same as you are. I'm not saying that being employee is bad, or being a good employee is senseless. I'm only saying that if you want to reach your BIG DREAM you have to conquer your fear, unlearn what you have learnd from your parents. Focus on your dream and not your fear. What you focus on expands. If you focus on your dream or goal you'll know the ways to reach it.
Some people use their dream to drive them towards their success. Some people are afraid of being an employee at a retiring age, being old and still poor and spent their whole life chasing a dream. I'm one of those people. I'm afraid of being old enough to retire but I can't because I'll go hungry or I can't retire because I'll have nothing to pay for my rent. I'm so scared of even picturing myself being miserably old and have no money to live on and I have to ask my children to support me. I'm scared of that so I use that fear to drive me and search for ways to be rich and successfull. Until now I'm using that same fear to conquer another fear, the fear of failing. You see if you don't fail you don't learn and if you don't learn you don't grow and if your are not growing you're dying.
Fearfull people become slaves. And if you become slaves you are driven to do things by force. You're freedom is taken away. And failure comes with a price. Great people were ones slaves of fear but they conquered it, they act inspite of fear and they got results, Their Dreams. These people are there to inpire us and to show to us that we don't have to be driven by fear. We can control it. Great people in the Bible were once doubtfull and very afraid of their task. But God was with them and so they act inspite of fear. And now they are written in great books to show to us that the only thing to fear is fear itself. Have Courage, God is there for you, and he is ready to give a helping hand for you. So go get your dreams, Act now! The world is waiting for your share of greatness and if you reached it don't ever forget God who brought you there.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where do I Start?

Many people say that i want to be rich or I want to get out of the rat race or i don't want to an employee anymore, but where do I start? As my mentor said to me, just take action and wait for the results. Many people are deciding to get out of the rat race but they end up deciding all their life. Its like 3 cats on the wall, then 2 of them decided to jump, so how many cats are left? The answer is still 3, because when the 2 cats decided to jump it doesn't mean that they really did jump. You will never know the result until you take action.
So start asking your self now what do you want in life and how do you want to live it. Ask your self, are you contented in the rat race or being an employee FOR LIFE? Or do you want to have control on your time and spent it as you wish and also be financially free? After asking your self, set your goal. You can't get your dreams if you don't have one. And then you act on it. Learn the ropes and conquer any fear you have against your dreams. Your dreams are yours for the taking, and its up to you to take on that challenge. In every aspects of life there will be challenges, and never look at those obstacles as unbreakable walls but instead see them as DOORS TO OPPORTUNITIES and then take the steps to open it. EVERY CHALLENGE YOU FACE is a DOOR for OPPORTUNITIES. Never ever look at them as unbreakable. Problems are meant to be broken and stepped on.They are the key and stepping stones to SUCCESS!
Hold on to your dreams, and focus on them. What you focus on expands. So don't focus on anything that will not help you reach your dreams instead focus on the things you need to do to reach your dreams. And always remember this " NEVER EVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT YOU CAN'T DO IT, IF YOU HAVE A DREAM GO FOR IT AND NEVER EVER LET ANYONE STOP YOU."
Always pray and have faith, remember HE will be your strength all the way. He made you, so he knows how to break you and strengthen you. Reach for your dreams for him, for he designed you that way and you will be successful in his way. Always! ALWAYS Trust in him. He will never let you down so never let him down too.
Wake up Juan Dela Cruz, and reach for your dream.DREAM BIG!!!And have faith!!!!

Sir John Gokongwei, My Idol

So we all know about Mr. Gokonwei's BIG Businesses,and great stories of successes. Well for me, he was my idol not because he was rich but because he has an eye for opportunities. He loved challenges and he never gave up. He started to to see his opportunities in the aftermath of war. I was really impressed on how he saw success at the midst of depression. Instead of waiting for blessings he saw them and took action to get them. And he did get them. And I want ot share with guys his speech during the in Ateneo. This Speech gave me an inspiration to take action to learn and act on my dreams.

John Gokongwei's speech at the Ateneo on entrepreneurship

Good morning.

I am John Gokongwei, Jr. I am not an Atenean but I feel at home with you. Today, at least. Sixty-two years ago, I could not have dreamt of appearing before the Jesuits and their students to tell the story of MY life. I was no more than a student then, at San Carlos University in Cebu, when my father died suddenly. It left me, the eldest, the responsibility of taking care of my mother and five siblings. That was tough for someone who was 13. Creditors had just seized our home and business and I had no experience with earning a living.

But here I am - not all on account of my good looks or charming personality but because I somehow survived. And when I look back, I know now that I did so because I recognized CHANGE when I saw it.

The first change was war. I had turned 15. My mother had already sent my brothers and sister to China where the cost of living was lower. From Cebu, she and I had to make money to send to them.

I turned to peddling. My day began at 5 in the morning. I would load my bicycle with soap, thread, and candles, and then bike to neighboring towns to sell my goods. On market days, I would rent a stall, lay out the goods from the bike, and make about 20 pesos a day, enough for me to survive and to buy even more goods for next time. Those days, you might call my BICYCLE AGE.

After two years of biking and peddling at 17, I entered my BATEL AGE. The batel was a small very utilitarian boat that defied the open sea and would take me farther from Cebu and all the way to Lucena, from where I would take a truck to Manila, with companions twice or thrice my age. The sea trips could take two to three weeks depending on the weather, and the land trips another five to six hours. (I was lighter then, you can imagine.) On the batel, I read books like "Gone with the Wind" under the great blue sky to pass away the time - even if we traders were always in fear of sea pirates and the bad weather.

Once, our batel hit a rock and sank. Thank heavens for my rubber tires! Those were the goods I had with me to sell in Manila. Well, we all held on to those tires, which meant I saved all those traders and those traders saved all my tires.

At that time, the War was still going on. Ironically, I look back at the War with the fondest of memories. It was the great equalizer. Almost everyone I knew had lost big and small fortunes at the time. This meant we all started at ground zero.

When the war ended, I was 19. Because of the war, the economy was more dependent than ever on imports. So when I set up Amasia, my first company, it was to import textile remnants, fruit, old newspaper and magazines, and used clothing from the U.S.

There was a side benefit to this. I would wear some of my own stock, so I would have different clothes to wear when I went courting Elizabeth, the woman who would be my wife. But at the end of it, I made some money. The Bicycle Age was over. The TRADING AGE began. By then, my brothers and sister returned from China. Together, we worked in the trading business I had begun - as bodegeros, clerks, warehousemen, cashiers, and collectors. And all this while they were all still going to school; me, I stopped schooling. Like most Chinese-Filipino families, we worked where we lived, and at times, we had to endure the stench of rotten oranges and potatoes filling our two-story apartment.

By the early '50s, we were importing cigarettes and whiskey as well. Business was good. But two factors made me change strategies again. First, I saw that trading would in time become a low-margin business BECAUSE we were at the mercy of our suppliers and buyers. Second, I saw that the government was working on import-substitution policies to encourage local business. President Quirino wanted to shore up the country's foreign exchange reserves that had been depleted as a result of the high importation of the post-war years.

So I decided to enter the AGE of MANUFACTURING. In 1957, I started a corn milling plant producing glucose and cornstarch. Why cornstarch? Because I thought - and it turned out, correctly - that the unglamorous cornstarch would be in great demand from better known businesses like textiles, paper, ice cream, pharmaceuticals, and beer.

But there was one problem: I needed capital. This was not easy. I was 30, had no big company success to back me up, and I didn't know any bankers. Thankfully, Dr. Albino Sycip, then chairman of China Bank, and DK Chiong, then president, gave me a clean loan of P500,000 to start my business. He would be asked later why he did that and he said something about knowing a good man when he saw one. (Maybe he knew something I didn't.) Anyway, from there Universal Corn Products, the predecessor of Universal Robina Corporation, was born.

Of course, the bigger cornstarch players did not give us an easy time. They engaged us in a price war. That is a nice way of saying they tried to kill us by selling low.

But we prevailed, and started to get clients like San Miguel Corporation. It was my first real taste of competition. And I liked it. I think THAT first experience prepared me for the bigger tougher competitors in my future.

By 1961, corn starch was becoming a commodity, and I saw that there was no future in a business where we had to keep lowering margins to survive. It was time to get into bigger, and riskier, games played by big multinationals like Procter and Gamble and Nestle. I saw that all they did to capture the market was to brand their products, for instance their coffee and their toothpaste. That is, give their coffee and toothpaste a name, a face, and an image that customers would instantly recognize - and identify with quality. Me, I dreamt that one day I would be the Philippine Nestle or General Foods. So the Manufacturing Age for me was giving way to the AGE of BRANDS.

So, we put up CFC, and our first successful product was Blend 45, an instant coffee we put out to directly compete with Nestle's Nescafe. We positioned it as "the poor man's coffee," hired top movie star Susan Roces to endorse it, and employed Procter-and-Gamble veterans to sell it. Basically, we took a page out of the multinational book and applied it to our business. We gave our coffee, snack food, candy, and chocolates a name, a face, an image. Today, Jack and Jill, Max candy, and Cloud 9 have become household names. It was also at this time that I returned to school for an MBA - with all due respect to the Jesuits, at De La Salle University - and a decade later for a 14-week advanced management program at Harvard. Going back to the university for studies which war had interrupted gave me an appreciation, believe me, for the beauty and the breadth of business life. This is something I believe I would never have gained if I had chosen to stop my education. The success of URC opened up many opportunities for our group. We had the choice to focus on food where we were very successful - or to pursue other businesses. We decided that there were too many good opportunities to pass up, and that remaining in our comfort zone would stunt our growth. So we got into the Age of Expansion.

For the next two decades, we pursued businesses that answered positive on FOUR CRUCIAL QUESTIONS.

First: Is there a market?

Second: Could we compete against both local and foreign players?

Third: Could we find the right people for the job and did we have enough capital to pursue the business?

Last and most important: Did we have the stomach for it? That is, could we take the sleepless nights, the cutthroat competition?

We went into textiles, retail, real estate, telecommunications, aviation, banking, and petrochemicals because we said YES to all those questions. Still, in all those industries, we were faced with tough and worthy competitors - the mighty SM Department Stores and Malls, the unbeatable PLDT, the entrenched Philippine Airlines and the powerful San Miguel Corporation. Most pundits expected us to fail. They were wrong. Robinsons Stores and Mall, Digitel, Cebu Pacific Air and Universal Robina Corporation are now market leaders in their respective fields.

That's because they offered the public a choice.

Remember the story of David and Goliath? Every industry has its Goliath. But every David knows that all giants have their weaknesses. Every weakness is an opportunity.

In a few months, we will launch our mobile services to compete with two giants, Globe and Smart. Our stomachs are churning for sure - but we know that we faced similar challenges before, and we are hopeful we can prove the pundits wrong again.

In the past decade, which is one-sixth of my entire business life, the company has tripled in size. This was the decade when our companies raised money from the global equity and debt markets, brought our companies public, and hired the best professionals to run them. In six decades, we grew from a one-man team to a group with 30,000 employees.

Now I am in what you can probably call the AGE of GLOBALIZATION. I am always asked where I stand on this issue. I say that it does NOT matter where I stand because as sure as the Ateneo Basketball Team will win next year's UAAP championship, global barriers will come crashing down, and we have no choice but to prepare ourselves for that.

Still our company will not take globalization sitting down - OUR future and the country's depend on how we act now. JG operates branded food concerns in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Hongkong, China, and soon, Vietnam. We also sell our snack foods in India, Korea, and Taiwan - one of the few ASEAN companies to do so.

In a few years, when foreign products find their way into OUR shopping carts as they already have, we want Piattos and Chippy to find their way into THEIR shopping carts as well. Our dream is to be the first group to plant the Philippine flag throughout Asia.

As I look back, I ask myself, "What if I had stopped at cornstarch?" I would probably be the owner of the biggest cornstarch group in the country today or just as possibly, be broke.

But I chose to live my life unafraid even during times when I WAS afraid. I discovered that opportunities don't find you. You find your opportunities.


Now I'm 75 and retired. And funny, but I often wonder what ever happened to my first bike! The bike that was my companion during those first years when my family had lost everything. I wonder where it is now. That bike reminds me that success is not necessarily about connections, or cutting corners, or chamba - the three C's of bad business.

Call it trite - but, believe me, success CAN BE ACHIEVED through hard work, frugality, integrity, responsiveness to change - and most of all boldness to dream. These have never been just easy slogans for me. I have lived by them. I hope that many of you in this room will some day choose to be entrepreneurs. Choose to be an entrepreneur because then YOU create value. Choose to be an entrepreneur because the products, services, and jobs you create then becomes the lifeblood of our nation. But most of all, choose to be an entrepreneur because then you desire a life of adventure, endless challenge, and the opportunity to be your BEST SELF.

Thank you.

Tito Ronny, A Wake Up Call for me

Tito Ronny was the cousin of my late father, a typical chinito and medium built man, and has a very jolly personality. When I first meet him, my first impression was he is a hardworking and "Madiskarte" man. Well I was right!
Tito Ronny and his wife owned a canteen in EPZA in Cavite. Their canteen was a typical karinderia and they have an Oner Type jeep as their delivery and service vehicle. When Tito and my father will talk, I used to listen to their stories. My Father will tell stories about his life stories in Bicol as a doctor and Tito had his share of struggles in life as an entreprenuer. Tito became the bread winner for the whole family. So it was really a challenge to him. And to top it of he can't get a descent job because he wasn't able to finish his studies. So life was hard for him. My lola used to support them whenever they get short. But still, eventhough its hard for them he didn't quit. I was really impressed on how he stood tall even in times of difficulty and maintain his focus in the business. After my Father died we lost contact with him and his family. It was after five years when we got a chance to get together at the birthday of my Lolo. When I saw him at the courtyard I called him and blessed, and he asked me on how are we holding on after the lost my father. I said with a sad face that we were struggling financially. I didn't even know if we can get through college. And he said that it will be ok, and he said, be strong for you will be the next in line. I asked him what did he mean by that. And he said that I will soon find out just wait and see, you'll feel the urge to be succesfull. What did he mean by that? What in the world is he saying, I asked my self. By that time, their business was getting bigger and its growing fast. But it didn't sink into me, success was in front of my eyes and i didn't even felt it.
After a few months my mom told me that we have to cut short on our daily allowances and i have to give part of my "Baon" to my sister and brother. And since I was nearing to graduate I obliged. Those times were hard, I experienced to go as low as begging for food from my classmates literally. I can't eat in Fastfood because my money was just enough for fare. It lasted for months! Until one night, during my internship, when I was cleaning the test tubes in the laboratory I said to my self that this is not the life i wanted, and it will not even get what I need, so how much more my goal?! I was getting frustrated. I was getting angry because I want to do something about it but I don't know what or where to start. Then I remembered what Tito Ronny said. I finally reallized that the hardship that I'm experianceing was the wake up call for me. Tito Ronny was right! I was next in line! I want to talk to him but there was no time and no chance to meet him. It seemed back then that I was all alone to find out the answers and ways to reach my dreams. Then finally it was 2005, one year death anniversary of my father we meet again atlast. But this time it was a different Tito Ronny, the oner jeep they have back then was changed into a luxurious SUV and they have already a BIG House , and you can really see the difference and their canteen got bigger and now they have this Fine Dining Restaurant located in the outskirts of Kawit, Cavite . But when I greeted him and blessed, he was still the same, he was still the Tito Ronny back then. Then I finally asked him how did he do it!!! And he just replied "Sipagan mo lng, at wag na wag ka mwawalan ng tiwala sa may TAAS!" thats it. It was again another puzzle for me. I didn't get it, I was expecting a more deeper explanation, but instead I still need to experience it to know it.
After years of contemplation, I'm fully aware now that I need to act now to get my dreams. Until now I'm using his words to drive me towards my goal. And at present I'm using his words of wisdom to find my own answers. And guess what, its working!
So let me ask you, when will you wake up? When will you see the world and take it on? When will you have faith to move your mountains? I hope you'll have the wake up call to make a difference in this world....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Walter , My Friend from Tutuban.

I met this guy because his brother was my officemate. He was a typical TOUGH GUY looking and have many battle scars in his face. He was a rehab patient and a former convict in Bilibid. We became friends, after work we usually hang out with his brother. He was a typical Tondo Guy, atleast i tought he was. One night in a "inuman session" i was telling him a story about business and how i want ot do business and leave my work. He then told me that in business you need to be tough or you'll be dead meat. He qouted "Kailangan malakas Disakate mo kundi lugi ka agad." I didn't pay attention to to what he said because i thought he is just saying what he have heard from common people. What can he possibly know about business, he's from rehab, telling my self.Until one day I swallowed every pride left inside of me.It was saturday and i need to buy a pair of pants. I heard from his brother that he has a store of garments i badly need one for work. I went to his store in Tutuban and greeted him with a usual "Pare kumusta ka nah!!!.'' So as I entered the store i didn't find what im looking for. He then said "Ah gnun ba tara punta tyo s kabilang tindahan." I obliged, and we went to this store also full of garments. Then I saw what i want. After the payment I asked Walter, "Pare kanino tong tindahan na to?." He then said come lets go outside. When we came out he said with bragging voice "Pare tingin ka mula dun s kanto hanggang dun s sakayan ng jeep, Akin lahat yan." I thought he was joking, so I laughed out loud. But he looked annoyed and asked him if he was serious and he nobbed with a frown face. I asked him how did he do it? And where did he get the money for all of this? ,becuase even his brother couldn't afford all the stores he has now. He said to me that it took him just less than a year to have all this businesses. I couldn't believe it, from loser to winner, from Rags to Riches. I was really impressed. I appologized, and asked him if he could teach me how to do this kind of business. He looked at me like assesing my abilities and he declined my application as apprentice. He said that i don't have what it takes to do this kind of business. It was a sad afternoon but still i went home inspired. I said to my self that if he could do it i could do it even better. So it was, unitl now i was inspired and determined to do it also only BETTER.

How can I do it?

So the question now is how do we do it? Well the first step is to BELIEVE. BELIEVE that its possible and it is for you. Let your mind feel it and let it sink into you. Feel the Success running down your vains. So maybe now your asking your self " by just believing you're going to get successful?" Well Practically YES!!! Many people don't believe in becoming rich because they only believe in great jobs and GREAT pay. So trying to be rich doesn't even enter in their mind so they become SUCCESSFULL employees not Business man. Some people believe that it is possible but not for them, instead of encouraging themselves they always say that thay don't have talents or they are born poor and they'll die poor. These people already declared to themselves that they lost before they even encounter a challenge. BELIEVING that success is for you and all Things are Possible, will strengthen your spirit. It will change your life and you'll see problems not as walls but STEPS to SUCCESS!!!You'll be accepting change from inside to out. You'll have the energy and eagerness to learn and improve your self. It will even lead you to the people that can teach and help you reach your dreams.Thus, Great people didn't become great if they didn't believe its possible for them. My idol, Mr. Gokongwei, for example , didn't became who he is if he didn't believe and took the challenges in his life. We are born for greatness and everything around us are for us to use and harness to help each other so GRAB IT. Feel that everything around you now are tools for your GREATNESS. And now take action to learn and take the CHALLENGES HEAD ON because every challenge is an opportunity to grow. If you have problems now i mean right now start telling yourself that THIS IS MY FIRST STEP TO GREATNESS and then face it HEAD ON. Maybe your problem of becoming broke or no money right now is the challenge for you to solve and your doorway to inifinite opportunities. BELIEVE and have FAITH.

Is it Possible?

It was a typical work day for me, browsing and surfing for stories of rags to riches. Until I suddenly stumbled in the biography of Mr. Manny Villar, Mr. Gokongwei and Mr. Henry Sy. You Probably know them, their BIG businesses, and their multi-million net worth. Some people know their story and still wonder how they did that? As I was reading their stories I was one of the people wondering if it could happen to me too. I want to find the answer if its possible for me to become a millionaire too, so I started asking questions and sadly I asked the wrong persons. I asked my officemates if they know how to become a millionaire, and I said I want to be one before 30. But then the eyes of mockery saw me, and I became an instant clown. They laughed at me and they thought that I was really loosing my mind, they said that its “impossible” and laughed very hard. Got sad from their reaction, I turned my back and walked away. I was sad not because they laughed but I really did think it was really “impossible” and it will take some miracle of magic to do it. And the words “Pare ang ganda na ng trabaho mo, Ayos na yan. Wag mo n gawing komplikado pa buhay mo” bugged me all night. I was really bothered because back then it looked very impossible. Still my spirit is shouting that we are all meant for greater and higher purpose here on earth and being an employee isn't my calling. So driven by persistence to defy that thinking I looked every where for answers. Until I got a chance to have a little chat with a friend of mine , a businessman inTutuban. I know that he just came out from rehab and he's just doing small business of selling assorted items as work. Or so I thought it was, he then said to me that all of the stores in the alley are all his. I was shocked because I know that he has no money even a single cent. So I asked him how long did it take him to monopolize the place? And he said laughing less than a year. It really hit me hard!!!! I got the answer I was searching for. This guy, who I will be sharing his story later, made to literally zero money to lots of money!!! He even showed me his apartments near Divisoria. He was really making real money. And so I asked him if he could teach me to do business. But he said that I was to weak and it will take a lot of sacrifice on my part to do it. So he declined my application as an apprentice. But still I went home inspired and that kept me pushing my self searching for ways how to win the money game. I got my answer, it is possible to become a millionaire in 3 years. We must have the determination to win, discipline and and very good mentor to guide us in every step of the way.
So it is a fact that people can really do it and it is possible and it is not by magic or chance that these people became successful. It is their determination, size of their dreams that made them successful. They made their dream as a vehicle to riches. And the most important of all is have FAITH. Faith can really move mountains