Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I know I can do it but Im scared,its very risky

Lets talk fear. Fear is everywhere. Some people use it to drive them and some people is controlled by it. It gives someone the reason to act and be successfull and most of the times it is the cause why most of us don't get what we want. Fear will never leave us but the good news is fear can't affect us if we don't let it.
People with good jobs has the fear of loosing their job so they perform hard and work hard just to please their boss. They don't want to loose their job because they think that they'll have nowhere else to go. Our parents have the same fear so they incorporate the only solution they know to our minds, to study hard and do less mistakes in school so we could land in a good paying company. So the "Fear" is passed on. So don't wonder if you have the same fear as your parents , if your parents are employees, and most of all the time you share the same fear with your officemates who in the same way, was brought the same as you are. I'm not saying that being employee is bad, or being a good employee is senseless. I'm only saying that if you want to reach your BIG DREAM you have to conquer your fear, unlearn what you have learnd from your parents. Focus on your dream and not your fear. What you focus on expands. If you focus on your dream or goal you'll know the ways to reach it.
Some people use their dream to drive them towards their success. Some people are afraid of being an employee at a retiring age, being old and still poor and spent their whole life chasing a dream. I'm one of those people. I'm afraid of being old enough to retire but I can't because I'll go hungry or I can't retire because I'll have nothing to pay for my rent. I'm so scared of even picturing myself being miserably old and have no money to live on and I have to ask my children to support me. I'm scared of that so I use that fear to drive me and search for ways to be rich and successfull. Until now I'm using that same fear to conquer another fear, the fear of failing. You see if you don't fail you don't learn and if you don't learn you don't grow and if your are not growing you're dying.
Fearfull people become slaves. And if you become slaves you are driven to do things by force. You're freedom is taken away. And failure comes with a price. Great people were ones slaves of fear but they conquered it, they act inspite of fear and they got results, Their Dreams. These people are there to inpire us and to show to us that we don't have to be driven by fear. We can control it. Great people in the Bible were once doubtfull and very afraid of their task. But God was with them and so they act inspite of fear. And now they are written in great books to show to us that the only thing to fear is fear itself. Have Courage, God is there for you, and he is ready to give a helping hand for you. So go get your dreams, Act now! The world is waiting for your share of greatness and if you reached it don't ever forget God who brought you there.