Thursday, October 16, 2008

Change of Enviroment to become successfull

Getting rich or being successfull takes a change of enviroment to another. Your enviroment made you who you are now. Look around you, everything you see and everyone around you contributes something to your personality and how you look at life. For example, if you like rock and roll you're are practically surrounded by people who loves rock and roll too. Another one if you are a party animal, pretty likely many of you're friends share the same world that you are into. Enviroment is where you learn and grow. You develop skills and form ideals and create a certain standard of life through your enviroment. Its where you live right now. Another example is being poor, poor people create their ideals and justify their way of life because thats their enviroment. They see poverty as their world. Another one is people who are always pessimistic and always thinking the bad side of everything. They form their enviroment through negativity and they see the world as full of walls. Thus they get nowhere.

The good news is we can choose our enviroment. You can choose where do you want to grow and learn. You have the freewill to change your view of the world and in life. So if you want to reach your dreams, interact with people who share the same passion, be an active member of a group that can help you think the way successfull people think. Let them fill your thoughts with ideas that will mold you into a person for your dreams. Study with them and form ideas with them. Same birds flock together, so if the poeple around you are losers, then most likely you will be a loser too. And if the people around you are businessmen then you'll be influenced to become like them. So if you want to get your dreams and you feel that your enviroment can't help you reach it, change your enviroment. Build your own world where you can learn and grow. Learning with the right people can form courage in you, and knowing what they know can really give you a boost in taking on life's challenges.

My story about change of enviroment started when I noticed that I was going nowhere with my former job. I know I have something more to give and my work place was not the place where I can learn and grow. So I looked for poeple who share the same passion, having an abundant life that can be shared to all, and socialized with them. It did give me a boost in my self esteem and gave me a drive to move on and get my dreams. I learned to form ideals and I can see my world the way I should see it, Full of Success! They helped me to take that Big step that I wanted to take a long time ago, but didn't do it because of lack of courage. Now Im writing and sharing this message to you because I want you to see your world also the way you should see it. Where are you now? Are you growing in your world? Can the people around you help you to reach your dreams? If not then I guess you should really find your own enviroment that is appropriate for your dreams.